Gratitude Journal: Day 1 ~ June 10, 2011



Lisa: My DAD…even though he is gone I am still learning from him every day to have strength.


Thrive With Bipolar Disorder (Robin Mohilner): I am so incredibly grateful that I get to be here and facilitate our team. I am grateful for all of you being here. I learn so much from you. And I am so grateful that I am able to give you everything I can…and that it is of value to you.


Vanessa: I am grateful for myself to always be able to come around again and keep trying and trying! That is pure strength when you don’t give up and allow others to help you! Nothing wrong with help! Just makes you more adamant about yourself! Persistence & Courage! :)) ♥


Jen: I am grateful to my pharmacist. He understands when I run in, frazzled, and I haven’t had my meds for a day or two because I forgot to stop in. He understands when I don’t have the cash for my meds for a couple days, and spots me a few until I do. He understands when I get a med that needs prior authorization, and works with the doctor and insurance company nonstop until I’m authorized. He knows everything about every med I take, in and out, and can help me with any symptom or side effect I have. He knows what works with what, what doesn’t work with what, and what combinations are bad. He’s caught deadly interactions that even my doctors haven’t caught. I know that there’s not many people in the world I can count on, but my pharmacist is always there for me. ♥


Mike: I am grateful for the paths i have choosen. It it wasnt for the mistakes, the episodes, and both the good and the bad, then i would not be where i am at now. I would not have the honor to look into my daughters eyes every morning and every night and tell her, her daddy loves her.


Kelly: I am grateful for the insight I have into my illness and for having the most supportive husband and children xxx


Silent Screamers: I am grateful for friends who try their best to be there for me, even when they don’t, or just can’t, understand. Friends who like me for ME and don’t think I’m a freak.


Bipolar disorder – Diary of a certified nutter: Great idea Robin, I think it is really helpful to be able to concentrate on the good things in life xx…… I am grateful for knowing the laughter which hypomania brings, the energy and passion it gave me. However I am equally as grateful to not be fooled by the mask hypo/mania wears and to have the determination to carry on taking my meds. To not feel guilty over the small insignificant things in life, to see the smile on my childrens faces and to know that I haven’t given up on this little crazy thing we call life….


Julie:   I’m grateful for my family; my children and my grandchildren. They are the fasteners that keep me tethered to this world and the warm blankets that keep this world from being too cold.


Christine: The truly good things in life. I have found that you can strive for the superficial things in life more but you’ll more than likely end up depressed in a pricey chair in an overpriced house.


Norman: I’m so grateful for both my sons, their wives and my sister and her family. Even when they didn’t understand, they never judged me.
My brand new twin granddaughter see my profile pic. I hung around long enough to a grandpa.


Maria: Think I might’v been #114 – I am grateful that I can feel! Nice to be on ur page.


Jennifer: Im thankful for encouragement!!!


Christine: I am very grateful for the good, patient people in my life. For my great upbringing by my parents and also for the joy that my animals bring on a daily basis as without them I suspect that I would have been in far worse health.
